Cameroon (Travel Restrictions, COVID Tests & Quarantine Requirements)

This page was last updated on 16 December, 2021.


At a Glance

Travel Restrictions

Entry For Vaccinated Travelers: Partially Allowed
Tourist Entry: Banned
Testing: Proof of a recent (no older than three days before application) negative coronavirus test must be provided to obtain a visa.
Quarantine Required: Depends
Quarantine Details: If you have a proof of a recent (no older than three days before boarding) negative coronavirus test, you will normally not have to self-isolate. Anyone that has developed symptoms of Coronavirus on their travel or tests positive on arrival at Yaoundé or Douala airport must quarantine at a government-monitored hotel for 14 days.

Local Restrictions

Lockdown in Effect: Partial
Events: Partially Allowed
Transport: Operational with restrictions
Shopping: Open
Restaurants and Bars: Open with restrictions

Detailed Travel Advisory

Published 09.08.2021
1. Passengers are not allowed to enter.
– This does not apply to:
– nationals and residents of Cameroon;
– passengers with a visa.
2. Passengers must have a negative COVID-19 PCR test taken at most 3 days before departure from the first embarkation point.
– This does not apply to passengers younger than 5 years.
3. Passengers are subject to a COVID-19 rapid antigen test upon arrival.


Detailed Tourist Information

Reduced commercial international flights are available. Access through land and sea borders is restricted.

At present, the Cameroonian government is restricting the issuance of visas to only those coming for essential purposes

Proof of a recent (no older than three days before application) negative coronavirus test must be provided to obtain a visa.

Separately, you must have proof of a recent (no older than three days before first boarding) negative coronavirus test to board your flight to Cameroon and to enter at Yaoundé or Douala Airports.

Lockdown Details

Gatherings of over 50 people are prohibited. Restrictions on bars, restaurants and entertainment spots have been lifted.

Visits to public institutions, including government buildings, have been limited.

You must wear a face mask in public spaces and there is occasional sanctioning of those people found to have breached restrictions and any confinement measures imposed on them.

Schools and other educational establishments have reopened after closure during the summer of 2020. However, in the North West and South West regions, many remain closed due to the ongoing conflict.

Data Source: