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In an effort to enhance diplomatic ties and promote people-to-people exchanges, the Japanese government is actively working towards exempting Kuwaiti passport holders, specifically those with official and diplomatic passports, from visa requirements for travel to Japan. This significant development was revealed by the Japanese Ambassador to Kuwait, Morino Yasunari, during a reception held at the embassy to commemorate the birthday of the Emperor of Japan, as reported by Wego.

Ambassador Morino expressed optimism about the measures being taken to facilitate the travel of Kuwaitis to Japan. An agreement in principle with the Kuwaiti government has been secured, marking a crucial step towards visa exemption. The final procedure is now awaited, indicating a positive outlook for Kuwaitis holding official and diplomatic passports.

Addressing the next phase, Ambassador Morino indicated that the exemption would likely extend to tourism visas. The Japanese government plans to consult with their Kuwaiti counterparts on how to facilitate the movement of people. This development follows a year with over 5,000 Kuwaiti tourists visiting Japan and increased student exchanges.

The event was attended by various dignitaries, including Kuwaiti Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs Ambassador Sheikh Jarrah Jaber Al-Ahmad Al-Sabah. Ambassador Morino took the opportunity to laud the longstanding relations between Kuwait and Japan and expressed confidence in Kuwait’s future development and prosperity under its respected leaders.

Apart from enhancing travel opportunities, Ambassador Morino highlighted Japan’s interest in attracting foreign investments from around the world, including Kuwait. He emphasized Japan’s commitment to a free and open economic order, providing a stable, secure, and predictable business environment.

Touching on cultural ties, Ambassador Morino acknowledged the popularity of Japanese anime in Kuwait and emphasized the importance of cultural exchanges for fostering friendship and mutual understanding. He mentioned the deepening interactions expected between the two countries, including workshops on calligraphy and Ikebana organized by the ‘Kuwait & Japan International Gathering.’