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The Department of Immigration and Emigration of Sri Lanka implemented new visa regulations effective 17 April 2024, which stated that all visitors must complete an e-visa application to enter the country, Wego reports.

The Department of Immigration and Emigration of Sri Lanka will continue to charge a USD 50 fee for a 30-day visa for foreigners visiting the country. However, the free visa service currently offered to citizens of seven countries, including India, China, Russia, Japan, Malaysia, Thailand, and Indonesia, will also continue. 


The new visa regulations implemented by the Department of Immigration and Emigration of Sri Lanka in November 2023 included a 30-day online visa category and added 17 new types, including six-month double-entry and longer-term visas and the fees required for each visa category. However, that omitted the USD 50 charge for a 30-day visa.

The charge is now added and effective for foreigners visiting Sri Lanka sans the citizens of the seven aforementioned countries. 

The e-visa fee waiver scheme was introduced for citizens of China, India, Indonesia, Russia, Thailand, Malaysia, and Japan wishing to visit Sri Lanka for tourism only and is valid until 31 May 2024.