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In a recently published analysis of global tourism trends spanning from January 2023 to September 2023 by the United Nations World Tourism Organization (UNWTO), titled the World Tourism Barometer, Saudi Arabia has emerged as a frontier in introducing a diverse range of tourism development programs, showcasing significant results this year.

As the global community continues to navigate post-pandemic challenges, the Middle East stands as a symbol of resilience, growth, and untapped potential within the tourism sector, Wego reports.

In the ranking of top-performing destinations, Qatar secured the first position, followed by Saudi Arabia in second place, highlighting its significant growth since the previous analysis conducted in 2019. Qatar exhibited a remarkable growth of 91%, while Saudi Arabia showed a substantial increase of 50%. 

Qatar and Saudi Arabia Lead in Global Tourism Growth, UNWTO Reports


When compared to all the G20 nations, Saudi Arabia holds the first position on the list and secures the second place overall. Saudi Arabia aims to maintain its position by continuously pursuing growth opportunities and recognizing the potential within its land.

The country recently made a substantial investment of $800 billion in the tourism sector. Initiatives such as NEOM and Saudi entertainment ventures exemplify the nation’s commitment to attracting more tourists globally, ensuring its continual growth in the years ahead.