What, no beach? Don’t worry, some creative geniuses from Brooklyn-based experimental studio, Snarkitecture, can create indoor oceans… without water! The clever people from Snarkitecture have designed a most unusual experience, recreating the ‘beach’ inside the National Building Museum in Washington D.C.

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Covering 10,000 square feet with 750,00 recyclable, transparent plastic balls, visitors can float or wade in the conceptual ocean, relax in beach-chairs on the edge of the ‘water’, grab a drink from the snack bar, but mostly enjoy what must be the most unique recreation of a beach experience, ever.

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Washington’s National Building Museum is a great visit for kids and grown ups, sharing the stories of design, architecture and engineering in ways that will fascinate everyone, even if you’re not Bob the Builder. If you’re visiting the American capital, make sure to put it on your list.

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Snarkitecture’s clever, interactive installation welcomes visitors at the National Building Museum until September 7, 2015. No sunscreen required!

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Photos courtesy of Snarkitecture, find out more here.