Earth Day was an initiative started in 1970 by US Democratic Senator Nelson. It was a day when nationwide education would be provided on how to take better care of our planet. This idea was essentially born at a 1969 UNESCO Conference when peace activist John McConnell suggested a day honoring the Earth and the concept of peace, first to be observed on 21 March 1970, the first day of spring in the northern hemisphere.  

Earth Day is celebrated on 22 April every year. The events of Earth Day are now organized by (formerly Earth Day Network). Standing on the precipice of something extreme due to climate change and global warming, it is now more than ever, we need to educate ourselves on how we can do our part to take care of the environment. 

This year’s Earth Day theme is Planet vs. Plastics. It focuses on Earth Day’s commitment to lessen the production of plastics by 60% before 2040. 

How are we celebrating the Earth Day here at Wego? We are celebrating by being mindful of our consumption of plastics in our lives and taking flights of fancies to these picturesque places that have made it to the 2023 Global Destination Sustainability Movement Index. 

Gothenburg, Sweden

Even though Gothenburg sounds like it is merely a part of the comic world, it is actually Sweden’s bright, vivacious little heart and very much a part of our world. Gothenburg was the first city in the world to introduce the concept of green bonds, which involves investing in solutions that are climate-oriented, including waste management and renewable energy. This has resulted in structures beneficial to everyone. The city of Gothenburg’s goal is to become completely emission-free by 2030. 

In addition to being the most sustainable destination in the world, Gothenburg is home to major world-class restaurants, diverse cultural scenes, sustainable living, and beautiful nature. In April 2022, the European Commission named Gothenburg the winner of the European Capitals of Inclusion and Diversity Awards. This award is part of the EU’s anti-racism action plan deliverables and the LGBTQIA+ Equality Strategy 2020-2025.

Lyon, France

Founded by Romans in the 1st century BC, Lyon was the major economic hub Renaissance and has made significant contributions to gastronomy architecture and is known as the “Capital of Lights” every 8 – 11 December. Owing to its location at the confluence of 2 rivers and broadsided by 2 hills, Lyon has always been concerned by nature. In 2005, Lyon became the first city in France to be rewarded for its sustainable environmental management. Lyon was also the first French city to launch a city-size bicycle service. It has 50% electric bike parking, self-service EV stations, and electric buses/trams. 75% of bus and subway travel is electric, generating only 3% pollution.

Lyon is also one of the few popular cities that ensures that disability is not a hindrance in accessing the city as a tourist or a local by providing total autonomy and safety on public transport and in public spaces. 

Singapore, Singapore

Singapore is one of the only major Asian cities and countries to be certified as a sustainable destination. As part of its Green Plan, it seeks to bolster its commitment to the UN’s 2030 Sustainable Development Agenda and Paris Agreement, with the goal of achieving zero emissions by 2050 by planting a million more trees, quadrupling solar energy deployment by 2025, reducing the waste sent to landfill by 30% by 2030, and by ensuring that all the registered cars are cleaner-energy models from 2030. Singapore has used the technology to its advantage and curated a green land ideal for living and perfect for tourism, keeping sustainability at the forefront. 

Goyang, South Korea

South Korea’s satellite city, Goyang, is one of the ten most dynamic cities in the world. In the General Assembly of WeGO, Goyang was awarded the gold medal of ‘Sustainable City Part.’ In the last decade, Goyang City has made active efforts to increase its green areas and converge environmental activities more with “digital Goyang,” which is a park city with 68 neighborhood parks, including the largest artificial lake park, ecological parks, cultural parks and wetland parks. The pollution level in Goyang is also relatively low compared to other Asian cities. 

Copenhagen, Denmark

When we think of Copenhagen, the first thing that comes to our mind is the Little Mermaid, but Copenhagen also has a strategy for sustainability combined called “Tourism for Good,” with their ambition to ensure that tourism has a positive impact locally and globally. They aim to become the first carbon-neutral city of the world by 2025. Copenhagen is famous for its clean water harbors and lakes, which are actually safe for locals and tourists alike to swim in. More than 70% of their electricity comes from sustainable sources, which helps limit the city’s emission of greenhouse gasses. 

Mother Earth is beautiful and wonderful, but she is also perhaps tired, and we have to care for her as best as we can to ensure the existence of life in a somewhat comfortable manner. On this Earth Day, we urge you to reuse, recycle and be mindful of your plastic consumption in your daily life to care for this beautiful place called Planet Earth. 


[Total: 113 Average: 4.7]