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Updated July 2024

Freelancing has become a popular career choice over the past decade due to its flexibility and accessibility. The UAE has capitalized on this trend by introducing various visa arrangements to attract top talent to the country. Dubai already offers freelancer visas such as the Dubai Talent Pass and Green Visa, and now the rest of the UAE is following suit.

In this article, Wego examines the UAE freelance work permit, a crucial first step for obtaining freelance visas in the UAE.

What is the UAE freelance work permit?

The freelance work permit, issued by the Ministry of Human Resources and Emiratisation (MoHRE), plays a crucial role for both residents and non-residents seeking to work as freelancers in the UAE. It serves as a foundational element within the framework of the country’s freelance visa programs.

For residents of the UAE, obtaining a freelance work permit allows them to legally pursue freelance work opportunities. This essentially grants them the authorization to operate as freelancers within the country.

For non-residents, the freelance work permit serves as the first step towards obtaining residency. Once they acquire the permit, they can then explore and apply for specific freelance visa programs that ultimately grant them residency status in the UAE.

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The freelance work permit in the UAE offers several benefits to holders. One major advantage is that it allows them to pursue freelance work without being tied down to a single employer. This gives them the freedom to select and choose their preferred work.

In addition, the permit will help Emirati companies attract talent from all over the world more cost-effectively. A supportive legal framework will also help them create a more diverse workforce and increase their access to capital.

The freelance work permit is expected to boost labor market productivity and increase the value of workers in the UAE.


A freelance work permit in the UAE is available to:

  • self-sponsored residents: Individuals residing in the UAE without a company sponsor
  • residents with existing sponsorships: Individuals already residing and working in the UAE under company sponsorship


The standard fee for the permit is AED 7,500. There may also be additional charges of AED 10 each for “knowledge dirham” and “innovation dirham” associated with the transaction, so be sure to factor these into your budgeting.

How do I obtain a UAE freelance work permit?

There are several paths to acquiring a freelance work permit in Dubai. The following are the steps to obtain a freelance work permit via GoFreelance.

The TECOM Group, in conjunction with the Dubai Development Authority, has launched the GoFreelance initiative, where eligible individuals can share their talent with the world, get exclusive opportunities to get new jobs, bid on projects and grow their network.

Applicants will need the following documents:

  • resume/CV
  • recent photograph
  • passport and visa copy (valid for at least 8 months)
  • bank reference letter
  • NOC from your UAE sponsor
  • proof of academic qualifications certified either by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs or the UAE Consulate in your country of origin (for those applying in the education sector)
  • portfolio or sample of your work (for those applying in the media sector)

The application process typically involves filling out an online form and attaching copies of your passport and visa (if you have one). After submitting the application, you’ll wait for approval via email, which can take anywhere from 5-7 business days. Please note that the overall processing time may take 10-15 business days. Once your permit is approved, you’ll receive it via email.


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