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Updated January 2024

With a thriving historical and artistic heritage, and an extensive range of employee benefits, including holidays, maternity, vacation, and overtime benefits, some consider Italy as one of the best places to work in the world.

Pakistanis wishing to live and work in Italy must first understand how to secure an Italy work visa and residency permit. We have gathered below all the relevant information necessary to acquire an Italy work visa for Pakistani residents looking to work and stay in Italy.

Italy work visa for Pakistanis 2024 news

Italy has introduced a recent legal revision, stating that non-European Union (EU) citizens who obtain a work visa and enter Italy are now permitted to commence working immediately without the requirement of signing a stay contract beforehand. This updated regulation specifically pertains to non-EU nationals employed in Italy under an EU Blue Card, Intra-Company Transfer, EU Intra-Company Transfer, or seasonal work arrangement.

The decision to implement this change was driven by significant delays in scheduling contract-to-stay appointments at local government offices.

Italy work visa for Pakistanis 2024

Citizens or employees of Pakistan looking to work in Italy are required to apply for an Italy work visa, also known as the Nulla Osta.

The Italian work visa mainly falls under the category of a long-stay visa, also referred to as a National or D-Visa. However, the Italian work visa only allows employees to enter the country. Pakistani applicants intending to stay in Italy need to apply for a residence permit upon arrival.

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Italy work visa for Pakistanis quota reservations

As explained by Italian authorities, the quotas or decreto flussi for 2024 are:

  • 89,050 for seasonal subordinate work in the agricultural and tourist-hotel sectors for nationals of the countries with an existing cooperation agreement on migration with Italy, including Albania, Algeria, Bangladesh, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Egypt, El Salvador, Ethiopia, Gambia, Georgia, Ghana, Guatemala, India, Ivory Coast, Japan, Kosovo, Mali, Mauritius, Moldova, Montenegro, Morocco, Niger, Nigeria, Pakistan, Peru, Philippines, Republic of North Macedonia, Senegal, Serbia, South Korea, Sri Lanka, Sudan, Tunisia, and Ukraine
  • 61,950 for non-seasonal subordinate work in the sectors of road haulage for third parties, construction, tourism-hotel, mechanics, telecommunications, food and shipbuilding

Italy work visa for Pakistanis 2024 validity

The Italy work visa from Pakistan has a validity of up to two years, depending on the employment contract. However, the work permit can be renewed for up to five years.

Italy work visa for Pakistanis 2024 documents required

The following documents are required to apply for the Italy work visa from Pakistan:

  • copy of a signed employment contract
  • original and copy of the Nulla Osta or the Italy work visa
  • passport valid for at least three months after the visa duration with a minimum of two blank pages
  • passport pictures
  • a completed Italian long-stay visa application form
  • proof of sufficient financial means, accommodation in Italy, and paid visa fee
  • diplomas/other qualifying certificates
  • applicants from Pakistan, both residents and people who have stayed there for more than 4 weeks, must be in possession of the international polio vaccination certificate attesting that they got vaccinated against polio between 4 weeks and 12 months prior to the travel date

Please note that this may not be an exhaustive list of prerequisites. The Italian government has the discretion to request any documents it deems necessary.

Additionally, you need to provide any other documentation that your Italian employer may require to process your work visa application. You should contact your company to determine which documents they need from you, as they will be responsible for submitting your work permit application to the immigration office in their province, and each office may have distinct requirements.

How to apply for the Italy work visa from Pakistan 2024?

Pakistanis who have been offered a job in Italy can apply for an Italian work visa. Here are the steps to follow:

  • the employer applies for a work permit at the immigration office in their respective Italian province.
  • after the work permit has been granted, the employer will send it to the employee and notify the Consulate General of Italy in Karachi or the Embassy of Italy in Islamabad, where the employee will further apply for a work visa
  • the employee will now have to download and complete the Italy visa application form, collect all necessary documents, and submit the application in person at the Italian embassy or consulate
  • in case the Italian authorities approve the application, the employee will have six months to pick up the visa and enter Italy

Please note that an additional permit to stay in Italy must be applied for within eight days of entering the country. The Italy residence permit (permesso di soggiorno) can be obtained at a local post office.

As per the Embassy of Italy in Islamabad, applicants from Pakistan must apply for the Italy work visa at least 3 weeks prior to their travel date.

Pakistan residents can apply for an Italy work visa either from the Consulate General of Italy in Karachi or the Embassy of Italy in Islamabad at the following addresses:

Consulate General of Italy in Karachi

85 Old Clifton, Shahra-e-Iran – Clifton  – Karachi 75600
You can contact them at + 92 21 358 700 31 or email them at [email protected]

Embassy of Italy in Islamabad

Plot 196/208, Street 16, Diplomatic Enclave
You can contact them at +92512833183/+92512833184

Italy work visa for Pakistanis price

The cost of an Italian work visa for Pakistanis is EUR 116 (PKR 34,621), according to the Consulate General of Italy in Karachi.


[Total: 132 Average: 4.4]