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Updated January 2024

Pakistan is at the forefront of enhancing its appeal as a destination for travelers, investors, entrepreneurs, students, and expatriates. The country has recently undergone a significant overhaul of its visa regulations, introducing a more streamlined investor-friendly visa policy that makes it easier for foreign entrepreneurs to obtain a visa to Pakistan.

In this article, Wego will explore the recent updates and advancements in Pakistan’s visa procedures, providing valuable information about the latest developments.

Pakistan visa news 2024

Business-friendly visa policy

To stimulate its economy, Pakistan has introduced an investor-friendly visa policy. This pivotal decision emerged following a two-day consultation convened by the Special Investment Facilitation Council (SIFC) and was subsequently announced during the SIFC’s fifth apex committee meeting by Caretaker Prime Minister Anwaar-ul-Haq Kakar, conveyed through a recorded message.

Pakistan Implements Streamlined Visa Policy to Attract Foreign Entrepreneurs

The newly introduced policy is strategically designed to attract foreign entrepreneurs by simplifying the process of obtaining visas for Pakistan. Under this policy, foreign entrepreneurs will now require only a single document, which can be issued by their home country or international business organizations.

Furthermore, the SIFC also discussed Pakistan’s relationships with global players, including China, the United States, and Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) nations. While China invests primarily in infrastructure and energy through CPEC, the SIFC opens doors for investments in minerals and other sectors beyond the corridor project.


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