Eid al-Fitr is a special day among families and friends throughout the Islamic world. This two- to three-day festival takes place immediately following the end of the month of Ramadan and is the most significant and joyous observance of the Islamic faith. 

In essence, Eid al-Fitr presents the faithful with the opportunity to thank God for having been granted the strength and conviction to complete the obligatory fast and obey His commandments during the holy month of Ramadan. By having done so, Muslims rejoice in returning to a state of fitra (innocence/purity), having been pardoned of all their transgressions, thus starting life anew.

As we prepare to welcome the holiest of months, Wego has compiled the dates, public holidays and observances for welcoming and celebrating Eid al-Fitr 2025 in the UAE.    

Eid Mubarak! 

Eid al-Fitr 2025 dates in UAE

Determining the date of Eid al-Fitr depends on the sighting of the crescent moon (a day after the new moon). As such, the process can only be performed at night. Should the crescent moon not be spotted, Ramadan continues for another day. 

The Emirates Astronomy Society has yet to announce the estimated expected dates for Ramadan and Eid Al Fitr 2025, per the Islamic Hijri calendar in the UAE. Astronomically, the Islamic festival Eid Al Fitr will likely fall on 29 March. 

In the Islamic calendar, Eid al-Fitr is observed on the 1st and 2nd day of Shawwal. Please note that dates may vary and are subject to change based on the moon’s sighting.

Eid al-Fitr 2025 UAE holidays

As per the academic calendar for schools in the UAE Government Portal, holidays for Eid al-Fitr in 2025 will fall from 29 March to 1 April.

Eid al-Fitr in the UAE


© albayan.ae

In the days leading up to Eid al-Fitr, Emirati housewives dusted and cleaned their houses. The day begins early with morning prayers, either at home or at a nearby mosque. At lunchtime, the Arabs feast on traditional dishes such as ouzi, chicken machboos, and desserts like luqaimat.

In the past, on the first day of Eid, Bedouin men would shoot their guns in the air as an expression of joy, and this tradition is still carried on in some parts of the country. Men also perform popular traditional dances, including Al Razfah.

Al-Razfah dance © Abu Dhabi Culture

Giving gifts and donations is also an indivisible part of the festival. For those looking to acquire gifts for their loved ones, Emiratis are accustomed to taking advantage of the Eid offers as they become available. Eid gift-giving is a tried and true tradition between Emirati families and friends as a sign of affection. Children are also given sweets, gifts or money as a token. It is also customary to give zakat al-Fitr to the needy so that everyone can celebrate the festival with gaiety.

The Emirati children celebrate Hagg Al-Layla, dressing in their best clothes and going around their neighbours’ houses to recite songs and poems. In return, the neighbours reward them with various sweets and nuts that they will put in their traditional cloth bags.


© Gulf News

As mandated by the Islamic faith, the Zakat al Fitr (Fitrana) must be completed prior to the morning Eid prayer. Those with the financial means of doing so must donate either money or items such as rice, barley, dates and other similar provisions. This mandatory donation must be distributed to the poor prior to the celebrations to ensure that all souls are able to enjoy a joyous holiday.


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