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Updated February 2023

The global pandemic has raised some severe challenges for the hospitality and travel industries. New standards of living and travelling or the ‘new normal’ has been established. Subsequently, social distancing, quarantine, and isolation have become a part of regular human life. If you are a foreigner or an Indian who would like to fly back to India, there are specific quarantine guidelines you’d need to follow.

In this article, we will answer all your queries regarding quarantine rules in India.

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What are the current entry rules?

As per the latest guidelines for international arrivals laid down by the Ministry of Health and Family Welfare, India, travellers to the country will be required to undergo the following entry requirements:

  • De-boarding should be done, ensuring physical distancing.
  • Thermal screening should be done in respect of all the passengers by the health officials present at the point of entry.
  • The passengers found to be symptomatic during screening shall be immediately isolated and taken to a designated medical facility as per health protocol.
  • The following protocol post arrival shall also be followed:
    • A sub-section (2% of the total passengers in all incoming international flights) shall undergo random post-arrival testing at the airport on arrival.
    • Such travellers on each flight shall be identified by the concerned airlines (preferably from different countries). They will submit the samples and shall be allowed to leave the airport thereafter.
    • If such travellers’ samples are tested positive, their samples should be further sent for genomic testing at the INSACOG laboratory network.
    • They shall be treated/isolated as per the laid down standard protocol.
  • All travellers should self-monitor their health post arrival also shall report to their nearest health facility or call the National helpline number (1075)/ State Helpline Number in case they have any symptoms suggestive of COVID-19.

Please note that children under 12 years of age are exempted from both pre-departure and post-arrival random testing. However, if found symptomatic for COVID-19 on arrival or during the period of self-monitoring period, they shall undergo testing and be treated as per the laid down protocol.

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Quarantine guidelines for arrivals in India

Arrivals in India will be allowed to leave the airport and shall self-monitor their health post-arrival. A sub-section (2% of the total flight passengers) shall undergo post-arrival testing at random at the airport on arrival and will be quarantined accordingly if they test positive.

India Quarantine - Wego

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