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Marking a historic stride in the digital landscape, the Ministry of Tourism in Saudi Arabia has become the first government agency in the Kingdom to secure the ISO 29119-1:2022 accreditation certificate for software quality and testing. According to Wego’s sources, this achievement positions the Ministry at the forefront of the nation’s digital transformation initiatives.


Aiming to enhance the efficiency and quality of services provided, the Ministry of Tourism’s digital transformation journey has reached a significant milestone with acquiring ISO accreditation for software quality and testing.

The ISO 29119-1:2022 standard, which forms the cornerstone of this accomplishment, offers a comprehensive framework for software testing, encompassing crucial elements such as process assessment modes, documentation, techniques, processes, and terminology. This certification underscores the Ministry’s commitment to rigorous software testing practices.

The Ministry’s key initiatives include implementing more than 30 advanced techniques, over 15 meticulous procedures and processes, adherence to 10 stringent standards, and developing over 50 templates. Collectively, these efforts contribute to establishing a robust software testing environment within the organization.

The expected impact of this achievement is substantial, with the Ministry aiming for a remarkable 98 percent alignment with international standards and best practices for software testing. This move is poised to instill increased confidence among customers, users, and regulators, with a notable 90 percent improvement in the perceived reliability of software applications at the Ministry of Tourism.

Moreover, the ISO certification is projected to reduce the risk of data breaches and legal liabilities by 90 percent significantly, underlining the Ministry’s commitment to data security. Simultaneously, a 91 percent improvement in software applications’ overall quality, reliability, and security is anticipated, promising a more seamless and secure digital experience for users.

The Ministry of Tourism’s pioneering efforts in achieving the ISO 29119-1:2022 certification position Saudi Arabia at the forefront of digital transformation within government entities. This development reflects the Ministry’s commitment to excellence in software testing and sets a benchmark for other government agencies to emulate, ensuring that the Kingdom continues to evolve and lead in the digital landscape.